Cameo - The Book of Ruth Bible Study

Ruth means friendship. In a cameo, a thumbnail sketch we see in this short story the whole story of Israel. So this book will tell her story and Israel's story. Relationships will be the focus and the ultimate relationship between God and His people.

Poetry and Painting

Israel's Story

Ruth's Story

Chain of Events

Reference - Relating Scripture

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Heart's Shared - Lesson 8

Study 8
Ruth – 18

Hearts Shared
Goodness is shown
Out of a heart of love
No strings attached
No questions asked
Giving from a full heart
Into a shawl bursting forth
Of plenty.

Pure hearts knit together
With integrity and friendship
Binding souls together as
A piece of fabric.

The hand of God
Intricately weaved hearts
And eyes to want no other
And one day speak an oath
As husband and wife.

God’s Story

God in the beginning made man and saw he was not good without a wife. Out of God’s heart came Adam and his union with Eve. Before the fall, God had already set in place redemption.

Every law He set, every person He chose, was to bring about redemption. He made man to love; man was made in His image. He will use the Gentile to bring about the wife He lost, Israel.

God uses Boaz to show Israel that her seed would be grafted in through a Gentile believer.

God's redemption came at a time when no one expected Him and his second coming to redeeming this earth will come the same way, without any one expecting. God takes his wing and spreads it over the redeemed one, the same picture when God came to Mary and Mary invited Him to "To do to her according to His Word." The Holy Spirit came over Mary and see conceived God's Son. 

The word refuge meaning to trust and faith in OT is the same as to trust, to roll on or roll over. He is asking us to come under his wing, his protection. 

When the Woman touched the hem of Jesus’ garment, she knew one touch would bring her under His wing, his protection.

Boaz and Jesus’ Story

Boaz knew the law and he came under the law, just as Jesus was born under the law and obey it. He understood what he was giving up, just as Jesus knew what He must go through and leave in order to secure the glory of heaven.

Boaz was not a man of slowness. God knew he would make the right decision. Boaz would be giving his seed to Elimelech’s name, his wealth and promise. Jesus knew He would become the Son of Man and give His life for man. He was the Son of God but did not hold to it.

He knew that man would become the joint-heir of Christ and will rule on the throne with Him. He also knew that in His death, the seed of promise would permeate the human soul and they would become one in the spirit. 

Boaz's Story - Boaz tells Ruth to tarry the night, in the morning he will approach the officials in the gate, 10 officials (God's complete number) and present to the near kinsmen a solution for Ruth. Boaz (fleetness and swift). Naomi told Ruth, Boaz will not wait a day until he makes a decision. Boaz's mother is Rahab. He understood crossing of lines.

Ruth’s Story

She was drawn to the field; she followed the instructions of Naomi and knew there was a risk.

Ruth's Story - Ruth has come under the wing of Boaz. She came to his feet, he spread his tailif over her, signifying his protection of her. God forbid Israel to take foreign daughters  because they would turn the heart of Israel away from Him, but Ruth had already turned to God. She was one of them.  

Full Reward – 1 Sam 24:19 enemies show kindness
Ps – keeping the commandment, great reward
Hebrew 11;26 – Moses looked to great Reward

Principles of Relationships:
Can we trust Jesus to make deals with whoever for us?
Can we trust Jesus to do in the perfect time.
When Jesus goes to the Father and is the advocate for us. How is He pleading our case.
How did Boaz plead Ruth's case?
What did Boaz have to lose?
What would was the kinsman  who was nearest in kin, have to give up?

Principles and Relationship
1.     Was Ruth looking for a relationship?
2.     She was doing it for Naomi
3.     Boaz was doing this for Naomi
4.     Could she trust Boaz?
5.     Why do you think she could trust him?

Chain of Events: Isaiah 32:8 – generous man will stnd
Gal – an opportunity
Ruth – sit still
Six seahs – a seah – 2 ½ gallons
Ps 37:3-5 Sit still
Isaiah 28:16 – will not act hastily
Ps 32:22 said in my haste, no innocent is haste
Ps 31:15 – my times in your hands
Redeeming the Land –Lev 25:25, Numbers 36:9, Numbers 78:8-11

The Cameo (The Story)

“I’ve done a great evil to you, Ruth. I begged you not to come,” Naomi said as Ruth came to meet her in the field.

“It is true, I am not use to working so hard, but I’ve stayed close to the women in Boaz’s field as Boaz instructed me.  They seem jealous of me.”

“I am sure they do. They hate you because you are beautiful.”

“But look, I gleaned a whole ephah of barley today.”

The next morning Boaz rode through the fields where the reapers were busy working, and the women were gleaning after them. Boaz’s eyes were drawn to the slender, graceful figure.

“She must glean only in my field,” Boaz told his worker.
As Ruth drew near Boaz, she bowed.
“Don’t bow to me, You are in Israel now, not in Moab. Are you thirsty?
Ruth nodded “No.”
“When you are thirsty, drink of the clear water that my harvesters have drawn.”
“Thank you.”
Naomi was waiting by the well when the reapers came from the field at sundown. She looked for Ruth. Ruth was following behind the other women.

“Tonight, I want you to wash and anoint yourself. You will be following the custom of my people. Boaz has a little place in the wall beside the old wine press.  Tonight I want you to go to him. He is our next of kin and he has the right to redeem my land.”

Ruth fretted making herself ready as Naomi said. “What if he rejects me? What if he thinks I am too forward?”

“Ruth, it is our custom, he will understand why you have come.”
“He was kind to me today when he rode his fields.”
“Yes, and he will be kind to you this evening.”

“I noticed other men were looking at you in the field today.”
“I haven’t noticed. The women are jealous of me and I do not want to give
them any reason for thinking I am there for any other reason than gleaning.”

“Boaz spoke to me this morning. He said I was like the morning star; I was brighter than all the others. I am not sure what he was saying.”

“Ruth, what else did he say?”
“Nothing, we just looked at each other. His eyes met mine and he didn’t seem to notice the other reapers. They were standing close by. They might have heard him.”

“Naomi, I have never looked at anyone else except Mahlon that way.”
“I know, my child, but Mahlon is our past, we must look towards the future.”

“Now quickly go. When Boaz has eaten and drunk and is full of joy, he will lie down by the winnowed grain. He does that nightly during harvest season in order robbers do not steal his grain.”

“Softly lay at his feet and uncover his feet. Trust the words you will say. He has taken note of you in the field, he knows your heart. He knows you have not gone after the other men in the field.”

Ruth obeyed Naomi’s words. It was all so unfamiliar to her. Their customs, their respect for each other. In her country, she would be termed a harlot with such action. And men would take advantage of her and think she was asking to be seduced.

Ruth entered the winnowing shed and moved easily at Boaz’s feet. He sighed and turned in his sleep. She stopped, moved closer. Ruth kneeled at his feet; she could not bring herself to lying down beside him. Then Ruth gently took the end of Boaz’s skirt and crawled under it.

Ruth lay there which seemed like hours, but only a few moments had passed. Boaz moved and pulled the cover around him, when at once he woke, startled and starred at Ruth. “Who is it?”
“It’s Ruth, my lord.”
“Ruth!” he whispered, “Ruth!” Boaz looked down on her. His heart stirred. He had not lain beside a woman for years, since his own wife had died.  There were many young men in the field she could have gone to, but why him? Boaz in his seventies and Ruth just in her forties seemed generations away, yet their hearts met in that whisper.

Ruth pulled back, her heart pounded, she panic with shame and humiliation. She shouldn’t have listened to Naomi.

Boaz sat up, “Ruth, don’t be afraid. I understand. There has been a movement of the wind between us since I looked on you in the field. You have stirred my heart which has been lonely for years.”

Ruth understood Boaz’s words. She felt those same feelings when Mahlon sat across the fire and wrote on his parchment. Ruth was curious then as to the things he wrote. Years later, Mahlon read his words to her. They spoke of how a man’s heart feels when he encounters a woman who turns his heart.

She saw the same fire in Boaz’s eyes. Boaz reassured her again. “Blessed are you of the Lord, my daughter! For you have shown more kindness at the end than at the beginning, in that you did not go after young men, whether poor or rich. And now, my daughter, do not fear. I will do for you all that you request, for all the people of my town know that you are a virtuous woman.”

"There is someone else closer as kin, I must talk to him."

Workbook Lesson 8

1.     How do we acknowledge Israel’s customs with our place of salvation?
2.     Who draws who? Why pursues who?
3.     When you came to the Lord, can you see how the Holy Spirit brought you in?
4.     Was it a whisper, what did you sense? Did you feel uncomfortable as if it was a foreign thing you were doing?
5.     When Boaz called her a virtuous woman, what was he saying?
6.     Could we ever have the title, a virtuous woman?

Friday, March 18, 2011

Hand in Hand - Lesson 7

Lesson 7
Hand in Hand

Ruth 3:7-14

Linking hearts together
each would stand
without reason,
players would have missed their cue
and rhythm missed its beat
making different music.
A song with precise words
sounts with certain beats
set the music that
would be heard throughout eternity.

Take the hand held out
Its purpose is designed for you.
Your answer is held
by the outstretched hand.
The one standing beside you 
needs your life to share.
Holding back will only hold
God's grace from you.

God’s Story

The pivoting point of God’s story is Bethlehem

Bethlehem: of bread: A town in Judah located about 6 miles southwest of Jerusalem. The birthplace of King David and later of Christ.
Parable of the Landowner – Matthew 21:33-44 – Ruth – (Gentiles) becomes the vs 41 lease to another vinedresser who will render to him the fruits in their seasons. 43: Therefore I say to you, the kingdom of God will be taken from you and given to a nation bearing the fruits of it. And whoever falls on this stone will be broken; but on whomever it falls, it will grind him to powder.

Boaz – His name means swiftness or fleetness.   He saw that Ruth was a virtuous woman (Proverb 31:10-31)
One of strength and wisdom. He saw her exalted above all the other women.
Ruth 3:13-15 – A close relative who owned the land was between Boaz and Ruth. Romans 5:14-19 Adam’s disobedience brought death, now Jesus’ obedience brought many to righteousness.

Ruth Story – She took refuge in Boaz’s field, now she is entering into his chambers.
Ruth’s faith brought her to this moment. Out of obedience, she served.  Naomi, out of obedience of Boaz’s words brought her to the next step.
Naomi’s Story –
She is obeys Naomi’s Words. Naomi understood the law and the conditions and the rewards. Ruth is told to cleanse and anoint herself and wait until it was time.

Principles of Relationships:

Who stands in our way of blessing?__________________
Do we believe what God says will turn out for our good? ________________
Do we have a Naomi in our lives? ______________________________
How does Naomi (as Israel) speak to us? _________________________
Is Ruth looking for anything but what Naomi is speaking to her? ______
Do we obey for reward or out of obedience? ______________________
Trust and the signs will follow (Jesus tells the Nobleman) John 5
Can we stand on God’s word and know in our hearts that it will all turn out right? _______________________________________________________

Ruth is told to cleanse and anoint herself? What does that mean? _________________________________
Are we patient enough to wait for Boaz to answer?_________________
Was Ruth worried about her reputation? _________________________
Did Boaz protect her reputation? _______________________________
Where is it in one of our studies where Jesus comes with swiftness? ___

Chains of Events: Ezekiel 16:1-8 -  I spread My wing over you and covered your nakedness. Yes, I covered your nakedness. Yes, I swore an oath to you and entered into a covenant with you and you became Mine, says the Lord God.

Cameo – The Story

“Naomi!” Boaz called “Welcome back to Bethlehem. God bless you.”
“God be with you, Boaz,” Naomi said.
“Where are Mahlon and Chilion?”
“”They are dead. In Moab, we left them buried in Moab.”
“Dead”? Boaz moved to compassion for Naomi. “My workers said you were back and a young girl came with you.”

“God punished us for going to Moab. We should have stayed.”
“My daughter and I have come back. We do not speak of our loss.”
“Your daughter?”
“Yes, Mahlon’s wife.”
“My men said a Moabite was in my field and recognized her as coming with you.”
“Ruth has been my comfort. She has stayed faithful to my son’s memory. “
“A woman faithful even to the memory of her husband? But you must send her back, The people are bound to hate her and if she stays there may be trouble.”

“Ruth was my safety. I could not have come back on this long journey without her. We walked for days through her country and she protected us. Her heart told her to come. Ruth is the best friend I have in the world.”

“I have nothing against a Moabite woman. I only speak to you as a friend.”

In the weeks that followed Boaz visited the field, curious about Ruth. It was Boaz’s custom to go the field in the middle of the morning when the harvesters were at work. He had instructed his reapers to leave heads of barley behind. It is the least he could do for Naomi.”

Boaz walked across the cut field to where Ruth was picking some of the barley. He motioned to her. Ruth did not look up, but continued to glean the field.

“I’ve been told that you came back with Naomi. Why did you do that? Come over here and sit on this rock and drink. You must be thirsty.” He took her by the arm. “I heard that Chilion and Mahlon were dead.”
“Naomi wanted to come back to Bethlehem.”
“And you came with her of your own will?”
“Yes. My husband was Naomi’s son. I love him and I love her.”
“Mahlon has been dead for many months.”
“But he is not dead in my thoughts or in my memory. All that I believe and all that I know is what I learned from Mahlon.”

Ruth continued, “Mahlon taught me that the Lord said that the stranger that dwells with you shall be unto you as one born among you.”
“You must have loved Boaz very much.”
“I did. He fills my life.”

Boaz watched Ruth. Admiration and envy shown on his face. He had once loved and lost. Now he was alone.

Ruth excused herself and continued to work. One of the reapers came to Boaz, “Do you want me to send her away?”

“No, I want her to stay in my field. She must go to no other field than mine,” Boaz said sharply.

“As you say, but there is a lot of envy among the other reapers.”
“Is it because of her diligence, her beauty or youth?”

Boaz instructed the reaper, “Let her drink from the water the other harvesters have drawn.”  

Naomi came to the field that evening and watched Ruth work. The other workers were leaving the field, laughing and bandying with the other women workers. Ruth followed behind. She was tired.

Ruth looked at Naomi, “The women hate me because I am a Moabite.”
“No, they hate you because you are beautiful. Do you know you are beautiful?”
Ruth looked startled. The thought had not entered her mind since the days when Mahlon looked at her across the fire and she knew she delighted him. Oh how she missed Mahlon.

The next morning Boaz could hardly wait to visit the field. As he suspected, Ruth was looking to the ground for every barley head that fell from the hands of the reapers.

Boaz’s eyes light up when he saw Ruth. She was so young, beautiful and her slender body moved with the movement of the grass.
Boaz moved toward her, “Have my workers been kind to you?” Boaz felt a little self-conscious. The other workers stopped to look at the two in the field. This would definitely cause gossip among the others.

“Have you gathered plenty?”
“Oh yes,” she said and the pink in her cheek rose to the surface. She felt something move in her.

That evening Naomi approached Naomi. “I need to seek security for you. Boaz is our relative. The law protects the widow. Tonight I want you to go to the winnowing house where he stays during the harvest time. Wash and anoint yourself and put on your best garment.”

Ruth did not want to tell Naomi the conversation she had with Boaz earlier in the day or the look in his eyes. Naomi might feel that Ruth was unfaith to Mahlon’s memory.    

As Ruth readied herself she knew this could be disastrous. What if Boaz turned her away? What would she do? Ruth understood she was going in hopes of securing Elimelech’s land for Naomi. Ruth did not understand any more than that. She knew she needed to submit to Boaz as a servant”

Ruth obeyed Naomi’s words. She needed to wait until Boaz had finished eating and drinking and when he lay down. Ruth came softly and uncovered Boaz’s feet and was lying at his feet.

Boaz jumped. It startled him that someone might be on the threshing floor. “Who are you?” He asked.
“I’m Ruth your maidservant. Take your maidservant under your wing for you are a close relative to Naomi.”

“Blessed are you, my daughter for showing so much kindness towards Naomi. I have watched you among the young men. You have not gone after them like the other young women in the field.”

“You are a virtuous woman, You not only show strength of character but wisdom. I am not the closest relative, but I will talk to him. Perhaps he will buy Naomi’s field back. Wait until morning. I will go quickly to him, and if he refuses, I will perform the duty for you, as the Lord lives.

Chapter 7 Study Lesson

1. What can we learn from this story?_____________________________
2. How does Jesus act towards us?_______________________________
3. Do we need to be afraid that we might be turned away?_____________
4. Was there anything improper about Ruth’s proposal? ______________
5. Did Ruth know what she was asking or what the law was giving her?

Monday, March 14, 2011

Under Whose Wings You Have Come - Lesson 6

Ruth 2:1-23
Lesson 6
Under Whose Wings You Have Come

Not chance
Two would meet
Not by coincidence
An eternal purpose would be fulfilled.

Law of land
Designed a field
Where provision would be made
For generous souls
Both giving and receiving.

All in God’s plan
No greedy notion
only virtue is shown.

Law of honor and nobility
Ushered in its privileged position
A lineage to the throne.

Not by chance
Nor by coincidence
Faithful hearts would meet
Filling God’s destiny of purpose
Under whose wings you have come.

God’s Story

God’s story goes from ever to forever, before the beginning of time to the end of time. Paul writes in Romans 11:1-36 “Has God cast away His people? Certainly not! For I also am an Israelite of the seed of Abraham, of the tribe of Benjamin… For of Him and through Him and to Him are all things, to whom be glory forever. Amen.”

To whose field you have come. God has brought Israel to His field. The place that Naomi would come was in proximity of God’s purpose. God’s purpose being - sending His only Son to redeem His people. Israel understood that the Messiah would come, the Holy One of Israel. God would used Boaz, a picture of Christ and as a near kinsmen to accomplish his story.

By the law of Moses, he would protect the relationship between His Son and His people. That which came from heaven and that which came from earth  - How can two  meet? How can two produce an offspring?

The law gave Israel permission to marry a Moabite. 
Israel’s Story – (Naomi)

Survival -  Naomi knew the law. It would be the law that would protect her and Ruth. It would be the law that would feed them. Even strangers get to eat; Even a Moabitess  could be feed.

Gentile’s Story – Ruth

Ruth’s history was from the progeny of her father, beginning with Lot. From the beginning, the flesh was cursed. Her history had no root, only Naomi’s line. Ruth was a stranger to the commonwealth of Israel. Her people were enemies to Naomi’s people.

God brings the two into His field.

It was Ruth’s obedience to serve and take care of Naomi (Israel). The field today is the current day, the Gentile not only protects the seed of Israel, she is carrying it until such time as it’s fullness and Naomi (Israel), God’s wife comes back to Him.

It brings in the church age with spiritual promises and gifts. She carries the promise and God’s gift in her womb. We carry these in our hearts.

Boaz’s Story – Kinsman Redeemer

Boaz’s name means fleetness, swiftness, to flow, run, to change position, poet, evanescent, tending to fade out of site, to vanish, transitory. He is the picture of Jesus. He is the Wings under which we come. He is the answer for the abundant life. He will set himself aside, his name, wealth, property to give to Naomi (Elimelech’s seed) 

Faith Lessons
Ruth’s total submission to her commitment when she began her journey from Moab with Naomi and that she would follow her god and her people and turn from her homeland and her god. Ruth entered into Naomi’s history, (The Old Testament), and by faith in the promise God made to Abraham, she understands her inheritance in the commonwealth of Israel.

Ruth surrendered herself to the purpose of Naomi (Israel), God’s wife. She takes care of Naomi, and the kinsmen redeemer takes care of Ruth. The seed that would impregnate Ruth in her faith; became her redeemer, (Jesus).

Her story is based on her willingness to leave her country and enter into another’s country. We do that when we surrender to God’s kingdom, the Kingdom of Heaven through faith in God’s salvation and answer. Through that step of faith, we enter into a spiritual kingdom, spiritual principals, spiritual gifts.

Principles in Relationships
A three fold friendship
Did Boaz draw her?
How did she come?
Everyone looked to the other’s need.
Did she know anything but her relationship with Ruth?
Was she expecting pay for her obedience?
Was she expecting a husband from her duty?
Did she have anything but her loyalty to Naomi?
Could she see anything outside of her faith in Naomi’s God and country?
The land and the law protected her. How?
Boaz told her to stay in his field. Was Boaz aware of her behavior?
What did her behavior say to Boaz?
He wanted to protect her and sustain her with his wealth.
Chain of Events

Romans 9,10,11,12 – Gifts given to the Church through the promise of Jesus. Read Ephesians 1, Ephesians 4, 1 Peter 4, 1 Corinthians 12, Romans 12
Cameo – The Story

Sometimes when there is only a need, it takes us to another place.
Ruth said to Naomi, “We need to think about what we should eat.”
Naomi responded, “Yes, we can not worry how anyone is seeing us right now. I know there is prejudice because I walked away with Elimelech ten years ago and left everything I had. I now have come home with you. You are looked upon as an enemy, but I know you different. I have come to appreciate and understand you as my friend.”

“Naomi, I want to take care of you, let me do that. Let me go to the field and glean the grain that has been left behind. By chance I might find favor.”

Ruth readied herself. In the back of her mind she remembered Mahlon’s words. “Our God will lead us. We have to be willing to trust Him and lead us to where we should be.”

Ruth meditated on Mahlon’s words as she walked down the dirt road. The field she found herself in was the field that belonged to Boaz, a close relative of Elimelech. 

The field had been harvested by Boaz’s workers but she noticed the wheat which had been left behind. Ruth bent over and began to gather the left behind grain.

The shawl she wore from Moab quickly became a basket to contain the harvest. Ruth busied herself, not looking up but only understanding the law of the land. The law protected her, it was for her benefit. She knew she had the right of a stranger only. It was the generosity of Naomi and Mahlon’s God that gave her the courage to glean from someone else’s field.

The god she once served, Chemosh stripped the people in greed of their rights and children. The God of this land protected the right of every person whether stranger or sojourner.

Ruth didn’t notice the other reapers in the field. Her mind was on Naomi. Naomi was going to be so surprised as to what she had gathered and what she could carry.

The other reapers in the field were fascinated with the young woman. She worked hard only to return the next day.  She noticed the man from afar. He was watching her and she perceived he must be the owner of the field.

Boaz called one of the workers to himself. “Who is this woman who is gathering?”

“She is the young Moabite who came with Naomi from the country of Moab.”

Baoz was taken back by Ruth’s diligence in caring for Naomi. The servant in charge of the reapers said quickly. “She ask me to let her glean and gather
After the reap ers among the sheaves.” I told her, “Yes, it was the law and also I worked for a generous land owner.”

“Her name is Ruth, she has come back every morning until now and has rested little.”

Study Lesson 6 – Ruth 2:1-23

1.     How do you think Ruth found the field of a relative  to Elimelech? ________
2.     What does the field represent? ______________________________
3.     Who does Boaz represent? ____________________________
4.     How does the kingdom law protect us? Look at Ephesians 6:12-20
5.     Name the kingdom law from Matt 5,6,7 and expound on its principles.
           and how it protects the one who operates in its benefit?  _________
     6.  Don’t go to another field, why did Boaz instruct her about that? ____
     7. Stay by the other young women. What did Boaz have in mind? ________
8.     Boaz’s protect and wealth was put into Ruth. How do we line it up with the wealth we have in the Kingdom? ______________________________
     9. Study together the gifts. How does that work in us as the Church? _______

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Empty but Full

Ruth 1:19-22
Lesson 5
Empty But Full

Empty hands ready to be filled
only when knowing its emptiness,
full hands have no need
indulging in plenty.

God's plan is to show the emptiness
of World's praise and self satisfaction
so one might drink
of the ocean of life
rather than drink a drop of water
from a dirty cup.

Hold empty hands today
let God fill the needy soul
This water of life
cannot be bout or sold.
Lift them to Heaven's rain
water that will give perpetual life
Losing yourself will give you gain.
God's Story

Jesus entered the city of Jerusalem just as Naomi and Ruth entered Bethlehem. Israel questioned who Jesus was? God had brought Jesus to this hour. John 13:1, Jesus knew his hour. It was time to glory the Father.
Now God had brought two grieving widows to their hour. They had come to the house of Bread.

John 6, Jesus said, I am the Bread. The people saw the miracle of feeding 5,000 men plus women and children, they wanted Jesus to continue to give them bread and took Him by force.

Matthew 21:9 "Then the multitudes who went before and those who followed cried out, saying: "Hosanna to the Son of David! Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord! Hosanna in the highest!"

Matthew - "And when He had come into Jerusalem all the city was moved saying, "Who is this?"
Ruth - "Now when the two of them went until they came to Bethlehem. And it happened, when they had come to Bethlehem, that all the city was excited because of them; and the women said, "Is this Naomi?"

Return, O Israel. You who are barren and desolate will bring more children than those who are married.
Isaiah 54:1-8

No weapon formed against you shall prosper, and every tongue which rises against you in judgment you shall condemn. Isaiah 54:17.

"Naomi, even your own tongue has risen against you in judgment. Condemn yourself. I have a plan,
Isaiah 49 I have called You from the womb, to be a light to the Gentiles.

Naomi's Story

I have nothing, I went away full and have come home empty. I have come home helpless and hopeless. I brought with me, Ruth, a friend and a Moabite She has nothing either.

Ruth's Story

I have no history; I have nothing, but a belief in someone else's God and history. I can show kindness to the one who has become my friend.

Principles and Relationships:

1. How did Naomi see herself?
2. How did God see her?
3. Is Naomi's story over or just begun?
4. Why?
5. Why would God use a Gentile in the line of Jesus?
6. Was it necessary?
7. Could Naomi ever regain her property and seed by what she had to offer?
8. Was there a respect in Ruth for Naomi even if Naomi had no respect for herself
9. Have you ever had someone believe in you when you can't believe in yourself?
10. When did God's plan start?

Chain of Events: The law was set in place. Even though Naomi had nothing, the law protected her through a near kins-man. His provision began at the beginning, when the law for gleaners was put into place. The law for redemption had been put into place. God crossed over lines yet, he used lines to protect his plan.
Leviticus 25:3. God is the ultimate owner and God alone has the right to rule over and dispense the land.
Leviticus 25:25

The manna ceased the day they ate the food of the promised land. In John 6, Jesus was saying my Father's kingdom gives bread you labor not. Ruth and Naomi crossed over the Jordan from Moab into the promised land. They crossed the Jordan just as the ark crossed the Jordan under Joshua's command. (Joshua 1:3,5)

The Story:

In the sunset, Bethlehem stood out as an oasis for Naomi and Ruth. They were finally there. The trip was long and hard; they made their way along the coastline of the Jordan, going through Moab.  Naomi could finally rest in what she remembered and Ruth had gathered excitement as to what she had heard.

Naomi looked down at her empty hands, they were dirty from the trip, she felt she not only traveled with a Moabite, but the dust of Moab had covered her in shame. They had passed the god of Moab in Hesbon and the ugliness of the statue bore into her memory. She had brought the heaviness of Moab with her.

Ruth was coming from a different place. She knew only Moab and the cruelty of her people and land, but her hope was in Mahlon's God. She felt the fullness of promise and Naomi felt emptiness.
Ruth reached down into the pocket in her skirt and touched Marlon’s parchments. Ruth whispered to Mahlon in her heart. “I am bringing your heart and words home. Now you can rest, my dear. I do not know what we will do, but I believe in your God, my darling."
When they entered in to Bethlehem, all the city was excited because of them. All the women said, "Is this Naomi?"
Naomi responded to them, "Do not call me Naomi, call me Mara, for the Almighty has dealt very bitterly with me. I went out full, and the Lord has brought me home again empty. Why do you call me Naomi, since the Lord has testified against me and the Almighty has afflicted me?"

The women talked among themselves. "Is that aMoabite that is with Naomi?"
"I hear she was married to Mahlon. That's what happens when you go to a foreign country, you don't see anything wrong in marrying outside of your people."
"It was Elimileck's  fault. He should have stayed, his sons should have married the young women of our people. They are dead and now here is a Moabite with Naomi. What are they going to do? Naomi is too old to produce a son, and Ruth is not one of us."

The talk continued among the idle tongue. The women meant well, but their self-righteousness and prejudice colored the situation.  They were right; it wasn't the way God had worked in the past.

Empty but Full Lesson 5
Study Book

1.     Have you ever  been a place where your glass looked empty? But your spirit said, “But its full? ____________________________________

2.     How did Naomi see herself in God’s eyes? _______________________

3.     Did she feel like their trip to Moab was a detour and was making God angry with her? ______________________________________________

4.     Could she see beyond her bitterness? _________________________

5.     How was she looking at things? ________________________________

6.     How is Naomi (Israel) looking at things today? _______________________

7.     Do they see any benefit in the Gentiles? __________________________

8.     What are we doing for Israel in the disposition when we as Gentiles have been grafted into their lineage? ___________________________________

9.     Look at Gal ;29 and see how Ruth’s obedience brought us into the heirs of promise. ___________________________________________


Ruth 1:18-19a


Friendship is a cherished possession
that many want,
few obtain
each heart desiring to be
with the mirror of its soul.

Familiar ground each travelled
knowing the other's pain
clinging to each other in desperation
nothing to lose,
nothing to gain.

Neight profit nor pleasure bound them
virtue connected shorelines
of different worlds.
Different gods and different people
but language of the ehart
ment them together.

Friendship of hope would be the cord
two lives weaved together
courage given to each other
a destiny of new belief.

The Friendship

God's Story

God brought two dispensations together by one act, "the Cross". At the Cross the commonwealth of Israel and the strangers from the covenants of promise, were made both one. Now in Christ Jesus, you who once were far off have been brought near by the blood of Christ.

Ruth had been brought near by the commonwealth of Israel in Naomi. Ruth would be the one to carry the promise in her womb, and she being far out came near within her own seed. The mystery of the glory of God! - Ephesians 2:12,13

The law had stood between two people. Israel was brought under the taskmaster of the law and the strangers stood far off from God's people. He created in Himself one new man from the two, thus making peace. Ephesians 2:15, and reconciled them both to God in one body through the cross, thereby putting to death the enmity. Ephesians 2:16

Naomi's Story - Israel's Wife, Widow:

She was broken, broken of spirit and health and age. Her seed had been left behind in a country of strangers. Ruth befriended her to carry the Word in her womb.  But where would the seed come from, they left their hope in Moab.

Ruth's Story - Bride of Christ - Wouldnt it been easier and the way God would work. In the sacred bounds of marriage and love, God would surely bring a seed for Naomi.

Principles and Relationships:

1. Why Naomi and Ruth? Why would God create a relationship between two widows without children?

2. How does Eph 2:12,13 commonwealth extended and worked into Ruth and Naomi's story?
3. How does Eph 2:15,16 the two become one  work into Ruth and Naomi's story?
4. How does Eph 2:16 - peace and One body work into Ruth and Naomi's story?
5. What did Ruth leave behind?
6. What did Naomi have to look forward to?
7. Was God waiting for Naomi when she came back?
8. Will God be waiting for Israel to return after the fullness of the Gentiles?
9. Ruth as the Church carries the child - Has does that fit in with the fullness of the Gentiles?
10. Did Ruth take Chemosh, her god with her?
11. Does Israel want to take the law with them?

Chains of Events:
The story takes us from their journey of ten years in Moab as a family and one person from the original party returned, not with a family but a friend. 
They will be traveling from Moab, North to Hesbon where the statue of the  god of Chemosh was seen and worshipped, then east to Gilgal and Jericho (The City of Palms) to Behlehem.

They will cross over the Jordan River. Joshua 4:19 - Judges 3:19  imagaes of Gilgal - They will cross the Jordan where first the Ark was taken over. Twelve stones were taken out of the Jordan, each one representing a leader from each of the twelve tribes.

Cameo - The Story

"The hand of God has gone out against me," Naomi said to Ruth. "You can see what I have to offer you. Nothing. You can still go back to your people and your god."

Ruth quietly responded, " Naomi, we have worked side by side together for ten years. I married your beloved son. I loved him as much as you loved a son of Israel. We both stand as widows, we have learned how to be loved and we have known the excitement of marriage and the possibility of being with child. 

You lost your children and I have not known my own child, neither one of us have anything to give but our friendship.  

"We will leave at the morning light." Naomi said as she busied herself tending to the unleavened bread, fresh  figs, and filling water skins with fresh water.

"We will carry what we can and pray that we will find what we need along the way." Ruth rassured Naomi of the long trip. 

The memory of Mahlon still stirred Ruth. He had put a sparkle in her eyes and caused the warm color to rise in her cheeks. Ruth wrapped up Mahlon’s parchments and tucked them into a pocket she had sewn in her skirt. She must carry his words with her. It was going to be a long journey on foot.
Naomi was not strong; Ruth must carry the weight of the trip. Not only the few things they carried but the goal they must reach. Returning home was still in Naomi’s heart but not in her health. 
Mahlon’s quiet strong countenance gave Ruth the courage to leave her country. Ruth had served in the Temple of Chemosh as a handmaiden to the god before she had meet Mahlon. In ten years she had come to know true love. They had no children. She wondered why. She wanted to give Mahlon a son but it did not happen.
In one’s own country, things look different than what she would find in some one else’s country. She was happy in Moab as long as she had Mahlon. Over the years, she recognized the truth of Moab’s god, Chemosh. People sacrificed their children to the demanding god. He was made of stone. The statue was built for her people.
Mahlon and Naomi had always looked towards their homeland. Mahlon had died in Ruth’s country and did not get to see his homeland again.
 Hearing stories of Israel, Ruth knew Naomi could never be happy in Moab. It was time to return to Bethlehem. Word had come to the three widows that the famine in Israel was over.
Naomi questioned Ruth, “Do you know what you are committing to? The People in Israel will treat you badly; they do not trust the Moabites. They do not know you like I know you. You have been a wonderful daughter-in-law. You helped spare our lives in Moab. I can’t promise you the same safety.”
“It doesn’t matter. I have come to know your God and your people. I want to stay with you.”
“I can’t promise you anything.” Naomi continued to talk Ruth out of the decision. Orpah has gone back to your people; you can catch up with her if you want.”
Along the path, as they Ruth and Naomi discovered each other along the journey. They leaned on each other in a new way. Ruth looked to Naomi for her past history and Naomi looked to Ruth for her youthfulness and hopes.
Even though Ruth was reaching her forty years, she was still young with strength in her body. “Naomi, lean on me, I can help you. You are weak. Your years are beginning to show on your frail body.”

Study – Workbook Lesson 4 
Ruth 1:18,19

1. Look up these scriptures and understand who Ruth had once worshipped and now turned to Naomi’s God. Chemosh – The god of the Moabites, Num 21:29, Children scarified  to Chemosh 2 ,27
Solomon builds alter to Chemosh 1 King 11:6,7, Josiah destroyed alters of Chemosh Solomon built 22 _______________________

2. What was Ruth giving up by leaving her people and her god? _______

3. What was Ruth getting by remaining with Naomi? ________________
4. In a true friendship, do you look to the person as to what they can give you, or do you just enjoy their friendship? ______________________

5. What does a friendship give you? ___________________________

6. What did Naomi promise her by going back to her homeland with her? __________________________________________________________

1.     What can Israel promise to the gentile? ________________________

2.     What does Jerusalem promise us today? Is there anything that they can give us? __________________________

3.       Have we truly made friends with Jerusalem or is there a respect for their God that we cling to and his Words to us? “If anyone curses his people, He will curse them, if anyone blesses his people, He will bless them.” __________________ ________________________________

4.     How do we see Israel and Jerusalem today in the scheme of things. Do we feel sorry for them, or do we see hope in them and the return of Jesus? ___________________________________________________

5.     Ruth and Naomi are going back to Naomi’s homeland. Are we going  back in a way to the Jew’s homeland today? _______________________

6.     By this, I mean, are we reading the current news and understanding the signs of the times. _____________________________________________