Ruth 1:18-19a
Friendship is a cherished possession
that many want,
few obtain
each heart desiring to be
with the mirror of its soul.
Familiar ground each travelled
knowing the other's pain
clinging to each other in desperation
nothing to lose,
nothing to gain.
Neight profit nor pleasure bound them
virtue connected shorelines
of different worlds.
Different gods and different people
but language of the ehart
ment them together.
Friendship of hope would be the cord
two lives weaved together
courage given to each other
a destiny of new belief.
The Friendship
God's Story
God brought two dispensations together by one act, "the Cross". At the Cross the commonwealth of Israel and the strangers from the covenants of promise, were made both one. Now in Christ Jesus, you who once were far off have been brought near by the blood of Christ.
Ruth had been brought near by the commonwealth of Israel in Naomi. Ruth would be the one to carry the promise in her womb, and she being far out came near within her own seed. The mystery of the glory of God! - Ephesians 2:12,13
The law had stood between two people. Israel was brought under the taskmaster of the law and the strangers stood far off from God's people. He created in Himself one new man from the two, thus making peace. Ephesians 2:15, and reconciled them both to God in one body through the cross, thereby putting to death the enmity. Ephesians 2:16
Naomi's Story - Israel's Wife, Widow:
She was broken, broken of spirit and health and age. Her seed had been left behind in a country of strangers. Ruth befriended her to carry the Word in her womb. But where would the seed come from, they left their hope in Moab.
Ruth's Story - Bride of Christ - Wouldnt it been easier and the way God would work. In the sacred bounds of marriage and love, God would surely bring a seed for Naomi.
Principles and Relationships:
1. Why Naomi and Ruth? Why would God create a relationship between two widows without children?
2. How does Eph 2:12,13 commonwealth extended and worked into Ruth and Naomi's story?
3. How does Eph 2:15,16 the two become one work into Ruth and Naomi's story?
4. How does Eph 2:16 - peace and One body work into Ruth and Naomi's story?
5. What did Ruth leave behind?
6. What did Naomi have to look forward to?
7. Was God waiting for Naomi when she came back?
8. Will God be waiting for Israel to return after the fullness of the Gentiles?
9. Ruth as the Church carries the child - Has does that fit in with the fullness of the Gentiles?
10. Did Ruth take Chemosh, her god with her?
11. Does Israel want to take the law with them?
Chains of Events:
The story takes us from their journey of ten years in Moab as a family and one person from the original party returned, not with a family but a friend.
They will be traveling from Moab, North to Hesbon where the statue of the god of Chemosh was seen and worshipped, then east to Gilgal and Jericho (The City of Palms) to Behlehem.
They will cross over the Jordan River. Joshua 4:19 - Judges 3:19 imagaes of Gilgal - They will cross the Jordan where first the Ark was taken over. Twelve stones were taken out of the Jordan, each one representing a leader from each of the twelve tribes.
Cameo - The Story
"The hand of God has gone out against me," Naomi said to Ruth. "You can see what I have to offer you. Nothing. You can still go back to your people and your god."
Ruth quietly responded, " Naomi, we have worked side by side together for ten years. I married your beloved son. I loved him as much as you loved a son of Israel. We both stand as widows, we have learned how to be loved and we have known the excitement of marriage and the possibility of being with child.
You lost your children and I have not known my own child, neither one of us have anything to give but our friendship.
"We will leave at the morning light." Naomi said as she busied herself tending to the unleavened bread, fresh figs, and filling water skins with fresh water.
"We will carry what we can and pray that we will find what we need along the way." Ruth rassured Naomi of the long trip.
The memory of Mahlon still stirred Ruth. He had put a sparkle in her eyes and caused the warm color to rise in her cheeks. Ruth wrapped up Mahlon’s parchments and tucked them into a pocket she had sewn in her skirt. She must carry his words with her. It was going to be a long journey on foot.
Naomi was not strong; Ruth must carry the weight of the trip. Not only the few things they carried but the goal they must reach. Returning home was still in Naomi’s heart but not in her health.
Mahlon’s quiet strong countenance gave Ruth the courage to leave her country. Ruth had served in the Temple of Chemosh as a handmaiden to the god before she had meet Mahlon. In ten years she had come to know true love. They had no children. She wondered why. She wanted to give Mahlon a son but it did not happen.
In one’s own country, things look different than what she would find in some one else’s country. She was happy in Moab as long as she had Mahlon. Over the years, she recognized the truth of Moab ’s god, Chemosh. People sacrificed their children to the demanding god. He was made of stone. The statue was built for her people.
Mahlon and Naomi had always looked towards their homeland. Mahlon had died in Ruth’s country and did not get to see his homeland again.
Hearing stories of Israel , Ruth knew Naomi could never be happy in Moab . It was time to return to Bethlehem . Word had come to the three widows that the famine in Israel was over.
Naomi questioned Ruth, “Do you know what you are committing to? The People in Israel will treat you badly; they do not trust the Moabites. They do not know you like I know you. You have been a wonderful daughter-in-law. You helped spare our lives in Moab . I can’t promise you the same safety.”
“It doesn’t matter. I have come to know your God and your people. I want to stay with you.”
“I can’t promise you anything.” Naomi continued to talk Ruth out of the decision. Orpah has gone back to your people; you can catch up with her if you want.”
Along the path, as they Ruth and Naomi discovered each other along the journey. They leaned on each other in a new way. Ruth looked to Naomi for her past history and Naomi looked to Ruth for her youthfulness and hopes.
Even though Ruth was reaching her forty years, she was still young with strength in her body. “Naomi, lean on me, I can help you. You are weak. Your years are beginning to show on your frail body.”
Study – Workbook Lesson 4
Ruth 1:18,19
1. Look up these scriptures and understand who Ruth had once worshipped and now turned to Naomi’s God. Chemosh – The god of the Moabites, Num 21:29, Children scarified to Chemosh 2 ,27
Solomon builds alter to Chemosh 1 King 11:6,7, Josiah destroyed alters of Chemosh Solomon built 22 _______________________
2. What was Ruth giving up by leaving her people and her god? _______
3. What was Ruth getting by remaining with Naomi? ________________
4. In a true friendship, do you look to the person as to what they can give you, or do you just enjoy their friendship? ______________________
5. What does a friendship give you? ___________________________
6. What did Naomi promise her by going back to her homeland with her? __________________________________________________________
1. What can Israel promise to the gentile? ________________________
2. What does Jerusalem promise us today? Is there anything that they can give us? __________________________
3. Have we truly made friends with Jerusalem or is there a respect for their God that we cling to and his Words to us? “If anyone curses his people, He will curse them, if anyone blesses his people, He will bless them.” __________________ ________________________________
4. How do we see Israel and Jerusalem today in the scheme of things. Do we feel sorry for them, or do we see hope in them and the return of Jesus? ___________________________________________________
5. Ruth and Naomi are going back to Naomi’s homeland. Are we going back in a way to the Jew’s homeland today? _______________________
6. By this, I mean, are we reading the current news and understanding the signs of the times. _____________________________________________
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